About Casco Bay, Portland Maine, and the Old Port

Casco Bay is an inlet in the Gulf of Maine on the southern part of the Maine coastline. The mouth of the bay stretches about 14 miles from Two Lights lighthouses in Cape Elizabeth in the west to Cape Small near Phippsburg and the famous Kennebec River in the east. There are
over 200 islands in the 200 square miles of the bay. Many of the islands were once fortified to protect the harbor from the enemy of the day. The islands now hold the remains of these forts and lookout towers and offer a giant playground for those willing to explore by boat.

Maine’s largest city, Portland, sits on a peninsula that overlooks Casco Bay and maintains a working waterfront made up of commercial fishing, lobstering, and trade businesses. The Old Port area of Portland is known for its rich marine history, 19th-century architecture, and award-winning restaurants. 

Our trips depart from the Portland Water Taxi Dock right in the heart of the Old Port at 72 Commercial Street.